Beer me, Copenhagen.

Forgive us for not tending to this blog in awhile. No, it hasn’t been relegated quite to the back of our minds – there were so many weekends I just wanted to sit down and just bang out some words about how the industry is growing here in Singapore, and our thoughts on the newer developments in the local craft brew scene, but the end of last year was a whirlwind of busy-ness both for Nick and I. Besides having to get on with work (Nick’s just about finished working on his thesis – yay him! – and I had a lot of work to catch up on), probably the highlight of our whole year that made the year’s madness just about worth it was our trip to Denmark and the UK for Christmas.

Our initial intentions of heading westward was to visit Nick’s parents for Christmas and the New Year, but procrastinating on getting our tickets to Manchester made it really. expensive. Nick and a bright idea decided that a flight out to Copenhagen, then to Manchester on a budget carrier made a little bit more sense, and it all worked out – we spent three days in a city that’s become incredibly close to my soul, hanging out with our friend we haven’t seen in awhile, Adam.


I’ll write more about some of the more awesome places we visited on our trip in a bit. Just thought I’d say hi for now. :) How was your Christmas and New Year’s break, people?

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